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You can enter your event at any time by typing the confirmation number above.

Streamer Customization

The real-time captioning viewer can be customized in a variety of ways. After placing a link to the viewer on your web page, it is possible to alter the appearance of the viewer by adding parameters to your link, as described below.

  • SSL - By simply changing the link to "https" communications can be encrypted for your privacy.
  • FontSize – In points, determines the size of the captioned text.
  • Valid Sizes: 8,10,12,14,18,20,24,28,32,36,40,44,48,52,60,72
  • FontName – Sets the face of the font.
    Common suggestions would include Verdana, Arial, and Tahoma. The ‘+’ character must be substituted for spaces, e.g. "Times New Roman" should be entered as "FontName=Times+New+Roman". The font names are case-sensitive.
  • Valid Fonts: Arial, Arial Black, Arial Narrow, Bookman Old Style, Century Gothic, Comic Sans MS, Courier New, Georgia, Helvetica, Impact, Lucida Console, Lucida Sans Unicode, System, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana
  • FontColor, BGColor and Highlight – these parameters control the color of the font, background, and highlight color of new text respectively. Example colors would include black, blue, gray, green, purple, red, silver, and white. Optionally, hexadecimal color values can be used by simply substituting the preceding pound sign with the URL encoded value: %23. The colors are case-sensitive.
  • Valid Colors: Black (#000000), White (#FFFFFF), Red (#FF0000), Blue (#0000FF), Green (#008000), Yellow (#FFFF00), Gray (#808080), Silver (#C0C0C0), Brown (#A52A2A)
  • HideTitle – Set to "True", this option removes the title bar from the window. By default the title is hidden in embeded events.
  • EventID – After you register for a CaptionedText event, simply replace EventID in the link below with the EventID that has been assigned to you.
  • EmbedDelay - This value, in seconds, introduces an additional delay between when captions are received and when they are displayed on-screen in the event viewer.
  • ShowEmbedToolbar - Set to "True" to display a toolbar at the bottom of the embeded event viewer. The toolbar contains four buttons. The first button will allow the user to Pause (or Resume) the caption display scrolling to the bottom every time new text is displayed. The second button will allow the user to view the Event Transcript in a separate popup window. The next two buttons allow the user to change the font size smaller or larger.
  • WaitRoomMessage - This value will allow for a customized Waiting Room message to be displayed to users who connect prior to the start of an event. The ‘+’ character must be substituted for spaces, e.g. "Your event will begin soon" should be entered as "Your+event+will+begin+soon"
  • WaitRoomFontSize - In points, determines the size of the Waiting Room message that is displayed to users who connect prior to the start of an event.
  • FullView - Set to "True" to show full transcript in the captions window. This allows a user to scroll through the full transcript even when they arrive after the event has started.

  • These parameters and their corresponding values can be added to the link, separated by ampersands. Included below are several working examples demonstrating various configurations.

    Web Conference Style:

    TV Style: &BGColor=%23000000&Highlight=%230000FF&HideTitle=True

    Office view: &BGColor=White&Highlight=Yellow

    High visibility / vision impaired: &BGColor=Black&Highlight=Blue&HideTitle=True

    Using EmbedDelay and ShowEmbedToolbar: &BGColor=Black&Highlight=Blue&HideTitle=True&EmbedDelay=5&ShowEmbedToolbar=True

    Using FullView:
