Adobe Connect 8.0 and 9.0 Meeting Instructions
Step 1: Download the Captioning Pod
Download the captioning pod: Adobe Connect 8.0. or
Adobe Connect 9.0.
(Right-click the above link and choose "Save Target As..." in order
to specify the location where you'd like to save the file.)
Step 2: Add the Pod to Your Adobe Connect Meeting
Open the Adobe Connect meeting and follow the instructions you find on the website to begin your meeting.
Once your meeting is running, select the following menu item: Pods -> Share ->
Add New Share...
In the new window, click the drop down arrow next to Share My Screen and choose Share Document.
In the new window, click Browse My Computer button at the bottom left and find the CC pod wherever it was saved. Double Click that file and the pod will begin to load.
Step 3: Initiate Captioning
Once the pod is loaded, click on the plus (+) icon near the top of the pod. This will activate the menu bar, which provides the connection configuration. The drop down menu next to Provider is where you will select Caption Colorado.
In the dialog boxes, enter the following settings:
ID: Enter your Caption Colorado Event ID / Confirmation Number
(Note: The Event ID / Confirmation Number should have been received
by the person who ordered the event from Caption Colorado as part of their
confirmation email.)
Port: 80
Name can be your choice
Click the Connect button to connect to Caption Colorado. Once you are
connected, the tab will be updated showing the Connection Name and a yellow triangle
indicating that the connection has been made.
Check the "Broadcast Captions" checkbox - this allows captions to flow through into
the meeting through the captioning Pod. The tab will update with a green checkmark
indicating that the captions are flowing.
Your meeting is now ready to receive captioning and you may click the Caption Viewer tab.
Adobe Connect 7.5 Meeting Instructions
Step 1: Download the Captioning Pod
Download the captioning pod: Adobe Connect 7.5.
(Right-click the above link and choose "Save Target As..." in order
to specify the location where you'd like to save the file.)
Step 2: Add the Pod to Your Adobe Connect Meeting
Go to the URL provided by Adobe Connect for your meeting and follow the instructions
you find on the website to begin your meeting.
Once your meeting is running, select the following menu item: Pods -> Share ->
Select from My Computer...
Locate the Pod you downloaded in Step 1, then click Open.
(Note: the file extension for a Pod is ".swf".)
Step 3: Initiate Captioning
Once the pod is loaded, click on the Closed Captioning logo in the upper-right
corner of the window - this will activate the menu bar, which provides Display,
Font and Settings functions.
Open the settings dialog by clicking on the following menu item: Settings ->
In the settings dialog, enter the following settings:
ID: Enter your Caption Colorado Event ID / Confirmation Number
(Note: The Event ID / Confirmation Number should have been received
by the person who ordered the event from Caption Colorado as part of their
confirmation email.)
Port: 80
Click the Connect button to connect to Caption Colorado. Once you are
connected, the Closed Captioning logo should turn green, indicating that the
connection has been made.
Check the "Send Captions" checkbox - this allows captions to flow through into
the meeting through the captioning Pod.
Your meeting is now ready to receive captioning and you may close the Settings
box by clicking on the X in the upper-right hand corner of the dialog.
(Note: should you get disconnected from the captioner during your
Adobe Connect session, the CC logo will turn red as in the screen shots above. In that
case, simply re-open the settings dialog, re-click the connect button, and
re-select the "Send Captions" checkbox to recover your connection.)